Intercultural Challenges of a Transatlantic Merger
The management of cultural differences in German-American mergers is a
crucial success factor. This article highlights key cultural dynamics.
Approaches for utilizing cultural issues in mergers as a learning
opportunity on the road towards creating a global organisation are
Doing Business in Germany
For many Americans planning to do business in Germany, cultural differences
are a non-issue. In this article, you will find information on how
businesses can use cultural knowledge and skills for a smooth and efficient
start in the German market.
International Assignments: Re-Entry A Missed Opportunity?
A brief outline on why coming home from an international assignment is a
challenging transition process, and how both returnees and organisations can
benefit from a pro-active approach to re-entry, including re-entry training
and acknowledging the value of international experience in the home
What happens when the expat returns home?
Many human resource professionals use cultural pre-departure trainings to
ensure a smooth transition into the host culture. In contrast, the return
process of the expats into their home culture is mostly neglected. Read up
on how managing the re-entry process can contribute to global
knowledge-management and better staff retention.